Maps & Floorplans
Download professional quality Maps and Floorplans for your roleplay game. Only the best from Dragonsfoot!
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Welcome to the Dragonsfoot Maps and Floorplans section.

Maps are vital to all RPG games, and sometimes the busy Dungeon Master can run out of time and would welcome a supply of easy to use and imaginative pre-draw maps to hand that can be downloaded and used immediately.

We hope to fill that gap with the following section of brilliantly rendered maps for use in your games.
Just download and use! Most also come with descriptive text while others allow you to just slot the map in and customise it fully with the use that you want.

Remember, if you have any maps that you would like to contribute, please email me and send them in.

VarietyPax Fantasy maps
Dungeon Geomorphs (set 1)
Fantasy Grounds: ZA1 Temple of Chaos
DMs Map for DF16:Skein of the Death Mother
Castles of Glofeyne: Twruchel
Maps and Floorplans Available
Alphanumeric Tileset for Dungeon Crafter


A set of alphanumeric characters for use with the Classic Blue Tiles download here at Dragonsfoot

Number of maps in this pack: N/A


Alternative Spider Point Manor Maps


These are alternative maps for the manor from Dragonfoot's Spider Point adventure (DF5)

Number of maps in this pack: All 3 manor levels


Candlemarc's Atlas of Riverbrook


A description of the waterside town of Riverbrook. Suitable for any system.

Number of maps in this pack:


Captains Quarters


Just your typical rest stop when in port for the ships captains and officers

Number of maps in this pack: Two levels. 12 rooms.


Castle Mareldryn


A great castle complex ready to populate with whatever you want and drop into your game.

Number of maps in this pack:


Castles of Glofeyne: Twruchel


This is the first in a series documenting the castles of the world of Glofeyne. Introducing Twruchel Castle (‘High Tower’) and providing information and floorplans for it's integration into your adventures.

Number of maps in this pack: Complete castle information, 6 floorplans plus more.


Classic Blue Cavern Tile sets for Dungeon Crafter


A pair of blue cavern tile sets for Dungeon Crafter. They use the same colour scheme as Classic Blue Tiles and Classic Blue Digitals also available for download here at Dragonsfoot

Number of maps in this pack: N/A


Classic Blue Tiles set for Dungeon Crafter


A set of 'blue' dungeon tiles, perfect for giving your dungeon that "Old School" feel.

Number of maps in this pack: N/A


Clive’s Fish Market


Although Clive’s wife got the other half of the business in the divorce settlement, he’s doing ok. He manages by renting out the spare rooms to whoever needs them. No questions asked, as long as they pay first. He also has another income… he may get the other half of the business back after all….

Number of maps in this pack: Two levels plus a cellar. 19 rooms/areas.


DMs Map for DF16:Skein of the Death Mother


A large, full colour, map for the module DF16:Skein of the Death Mother. Suitable for online gaming systems such as roll20.

Number of maps in this pack: 1


Dracolidius Castle


A great map of a castle, useful as a dungeon or a lived in building.

Number of maps in this pack: 5 overall castle levels.


Dragon Castle


A large towering edifice. Is it new or used? Beware whoever may be living inside, for you can see far from the battlements. And the main tower looms over all…

Number of maps in this pack: Eight levels. Over 114 rooms/areas.


Dungeon Geomorphs (set 1)


A high quality set of dungeon geomorphs to enhance your games. Includes a players and a DM's version, the former hiding such features as secret doors and traps.

Number of maps in this pack: 48


Fantasy Grounds: ZA1 Temple of Chaos


A Fantasy Grounds module for the adventure ZA1: The Temple Of Chaos, which can be found here.

Number of maps in this pack: complete


Greymoor Inn


A more upscale inn for the whole family. Just be carefull of the people in the next room, no they’re not staring at you from the upstairs balconey… they're not smiling quietly to themselves either.

Number of maps in this pack: Three levels plus a cellar. 49 rooms/areas.


Hallyk & Rumfords Tower


Located on a small outcropping of rock in the middle of a river. This is a small but defensible tower. Access is by both inland and to the sea due to the outflow from the interior swamplands and the inflow from the sea. Dare you disturb the owners?

Number of maps in this pack: Five levels with a sub-cellar and underground river grotto. 12 rooms/areas plus underground areas.


Hex Gems


A great set of hex gems, ready to add you your hex maps to make them look superb.

Number of maps in this pack: 200+ hex gems


High Atop Dragonmount Feature Map


A complimentary map for the “The Legend of the Stronghold of Arolon” adventure module.

Number of maps in this pack: 2 3D maps with drawn rendering.


Indell Keep


A small bastion of hope and protection or greed and avarice. Depends on who has the bigger sword and the will to use it.

Number of maps in this pack: Four levels plus kitchen & dungeons. 107 rooms/areas.


Joppies Tavern


Brave the dimly lit narrow alleyways to enter here – or come in through the front door. Either way, there’s good food and drink to be had. Possible secrets as well.

Number of maps in this pack: Two levels plus a cellar. 24 rooms/areas.


Keep On the Borderland maps


A great set of wilderness hex maps for the 'Keep On The Borderlands' module.

Number of maps in this pack: 13 pages of maps


Land's End town


Maps of the town of Land's End and the surrounding area. Ready to drop into your game.

Number of maps in this pack: Five maps. Two town maps and 3 terrain maps.


Mama Bechoes


Every town needs a cat house. Yours is no exception. Just don’t make Mama mad, she’s very protective of her girls, among other things.

Number of maps in this pack: Two levels plus a cellar. 24 rooms/areas.


Map Pack 1


Furnish your roleplay floorplans with the help of the latest fantastic new offering from our Floorplans section. You can now download the first Mapping Pack full of individual items pre-drawn by our expert mapper Jim Lassiter.

Number of maps in this pack: Index page plus individual elements


Mystytown Overview


A brief overview of an island and the place where these plans are “homebrewed” for.

Number of maps in this pack: 3 Overland maps plus overview.


Nellysyr manor


A nice manor house for those weekend getaways or ruins to try and getaway from?

Number of maps in this pack: Three levels plus the roof, cellar, underground areas and overview. Over 80 rooms/areas.


Old Rotten Man Pub


Another tiny cramped pub for that after work mug of ale. He may be open or not, depends on how busy he is in the cellars, hopefully brewing ale and not trouble.

Number of maps in this pack: Two levels plus a cellar. 7 rooms/areas.


Original Red Brotherhood Citadel


Dare you try and find your way through this maze of angled rooms and twisting ways? What kind of sick mind built this place anyway? Come in and find out.

Number of maps in this pack: Eight levels plus roof. Five of them underground. Over 100 rooms/areas.




Scott Rowley has produced this great AD&D world that can be used in any RPG game with ease. This download has a complete world map and a page of description that will help you get the basic idea. Run with it! - Have fun, add your own ideas, isn't that what AD&D is all about?

Number of maps in this pack: 1


Player's map of Valusia


Outstanding map of Valusia. Use it for your Valusia games or incorporate it into your RPG world. Beautifully drawn!

Number of maps in this pack: 1


Red Brotherhood Citadel


Famous last words- “Oh look, a new church!”

Number of maps in this pack: Three levels plus six underground areas. Over 150 rooms/areas.


The Magic Shop


Just your typical magic shop located on the corner of magic & vine. Don’t be rude and try to come in any other way but the front door either. View quietly, choose quickly, pay promptly and leave immediately for the shop may not be there tomorrow.

Number of maps in this pack: Two levels plus a cellar. 10 rooms/areas.


The Tavern


An above average tavern that’s open year round for any kind of business. Come in to rest your well traveled bones or make plans in the dimly lit “Dark Walk” of the cellars. As always, watch the balconies above you…

Number of maps in this pack: Three levels plus a cellar. 28 rooms/areas.


VarietyPax Fantasy maps


These picture maps were designed by VarietyPax for Virtual Tabletop (VTT) tactical situations, but the versions with hex overlays can be printed out and used with miniatures. If you like the style, you can find more similar maps (some free to all viewers, some only for patrons) at the 'VarietyPax Fantasy Tokens and Art' patreon.

Number of maps in this pack: 14


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